Trushina Elena Anatol'evna
General of the Army A. V. Khrulev Military Logistics Academy (Branch) in Penza
Submitted: 19.02.2019
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of teaching to write an argumentative essay at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language at military higher school. The author justifies the necessity to use argumentative texts when developing learners’ written and oral foreign-language competence within the framework of the competence-based approach. The problem of teaching to write an argumentative essay to foreign military students is examined by the example of military-historical texts. The author identifies the basic difficulties that learners come across when writing an argumentative essay, offers a system of exercises to form the skills of writing an argumentative essay on a military-historical subject.
Key words and phrases: методика преподавания русского языка как иностранного, коммуникативная компетенция, компетентностный подход к обучению, коммуникативный метод обучения, научный стиль речи, текстоцентрический подход в обучении, типы текстов, текст-рассуждение, обучающиеся-инофоны, военно-исторический текст, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, communicative competence, competence-based approach to teaching, communicative teaching, scientific style of speech, text-centred approach to teaching, types of texts, argumentative text, foreign learners, military-historical text
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