Timirbaeva Oksana Olegovna
Bashkir State University
Submitted: 11.10.2019
Abstract. The article examines the problem of translating language game by the material of M. Y. Lermontov’s novel "A Hero of Our Time" (1840) and its English translations by M. Parker (1947), J. H. Wisdom and M. Murray (1924). The researcher considers the choice of translation equivalents at stylistic and semantic levels, analyses the techniques to compensate for the loss of meaning. It is shown that the main difficulty when translating language game in a literary text involves the originality of the author’s style, preservation of national and historical colour.
Key words and phrases: перевод, роман "Герой нашего времени", художественный текст, языковая игра, "игровой эффект", translation, novel "A Hero of Our Time", literary text, language game, "game effect"
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