Devel' Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
St. Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Submitted: 02.09.2019
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the specificity of the thesaurus of the notion "heritage" and the peculiarities of the lexicographical representation of the vocables наследие/heritage in the Russian and English languages. Scientific originality of the study involves identifying the peculiarities of the lexicographical representation of the mentioned vocables. The research findings are as follows: comparing the lexemes legacy and heritage in the context of their lexical compatibility, the author identifies the peculiarities of the lexicographical representation of the vocables наследие/heritage , which helps to achieve an adequate translation.
Key words and phrases: лексикографическое представление, историко-описательный метод, вокабула "наследие" в русском языке, вокабула "heritage" (наследие) в английском языке, лингвистический анализ, lexicographical representation, historical-descriptive method, vocables наследие/heritage in the Russian and English languages, linguistic analysis
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