Ayusheeva Natal’ya Garmaevna, Lapina Tat’yana Alekseevna
Buryat State University
Submitted: 04.11.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of interpersonal conflict, the causes of its occurrence and the features of the Chinese immigrants’ adaptation in the United States by the example of the Chinese writer Yan Geling’s story "Square Mooncake" ("???"). The study identifies the causes of intercultural tension associated with personal and interpersonal relationships, the phases of conflict escalation and predicts the end of the work, taking into account different styles of conflict resolution. Also, the research shows conflict in the field of gender relations, the impact of gender roles differentiation established in the Eastern culture and its stability in the Western society.
Key words and phrases: межкультурный конфликт, гендерный конфликт, личностные отношения, Янь Гэлин, женская проза, литература мигрантов, intercultural conflict, gender conflict, personal relationships, Yan Geling, women’s prose, migrant literature
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