Yagenich Larisa Viktorovna
V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Submitted: 25.05.2018
Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying the constitutive features of a treatise, which is an initial genre of the written medical text. The medical treatise is considered as a description of observations and a review of experiments containing repetitions, clarifications and explanations. Within the communicative-pragmatic approach, the author analyzes the XVI-century treatise and identifies its genre characteristics. According to the analysis, the treatise is characterized by the following features: the logic of the material presentation is observed; the text is divided into separate elements, which serves not to preserve the integrity of the paper but to introduce the logical completeness of each chapter; the research descriptions contain presupposition. The necessary characteristics of scientific papers are impersonalization, monologic nature and the usage of terms with their subsequent interpretation. Argumentative presentation emphasizes the existence of the information adequately expressed in the clear and standardized language of the medical treatise.
Key words and phrases: письменный медицинский текст, диахрония развития текста, трактат, жанр, характеристики текста, композиция, типы текста, written medical text, diachrony of text development, treatise, genre, textual characteristics, composition, text types
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