Shadeko Vasilii Petrovich, Nesmeyanov Aleksei Vladimirovich
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Submitted: 15.05.2018
Abstract. The article gives an all-round concise overview of such a phenomenon of the German language as homonymy. Firstly, it shows how homonyms appear (disintegration of polysemy, transition of a word from one part of speech into the other, emergence of homonyms as a result of historical changes in the phonetic system of German, coincidence of German words and loan words from other languages). The authors observe the differentiation of homonyms into lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical ones. The paper gives the definition of full and partial homonyms. Finally, the study counterpoises neutral to stylistically coloured homonyms and points to the criteria of the delimitation of homonymy and polysemy.
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