Zhang Yanqiu
Saint Petersburg University
Submitted: 11.04.2018
Abstract. The article deals with the lexical means of conveying love in the prose by M. Yu. Lermontov against the background of the Chinese language. The causes that determine the peculiarities of lexical means in the Russian language and in Chinese translation are revealed. Conclusions are drawn that verbs form the largest group among all the lexical means. Eye expression plays an important role in the description of love feelings. The support of the context is very important in order to assign certain lexemes to the means of conveying the emotions of love. The Chinese translator sometimes uses other lexemes, similar in meaning, but having other connotations, which is conditioned by the peculiarities of Chinese culture and traditions.
Key words and phrases: эмоция, любовь, семантика, толкование, лексические средства, лингвокультура, emotion, love, semantics, interpretation, lexical means, linguoculture
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