Shurupova Tat'yana Yur'evna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 25.03.2018
Abstract. The article reveals the essence of the actual division of the sentence in sounding speech. The structural features of the theme and rheme division of the utterance, the correlation of the means of different linguistic levels for the expression of theme and rheme are considered. The focus is on the intonation features of the rheme design in the oral message, which include a melodic contour, rhythmic features and correlate with the syntactic features of the utterance. Authentic records from German and Russian television, which allowed the author to draw a conclusion about the organization of the oral text in terms of actual division, served as the material for the analysis.
Key words and phrases: актуальное членение высказывания, коммуникативная задача, интонация, просодия, мелодика, фразовое ударение, телевизионная речь, русская и немецкая звучащая речь, actual division of utterance, communicative task, intonation, prosody, melodics, phrase accent, television language, Russian and German sounding speech
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