Koval'chuk Nadezhda Vladimirovna
Don State Technical University
Submitted: 30.03.2018
Abstract. By the material of informal interview, the article illustrates how a subject of speech, basing on the grammatical structure of an alternative question, realizes feedback with positive pragmatic potential, and the addressee, taking into account the contextual factor, interprets the current speech intentions of the interlocutor precisely as the desire to prevent a potentially maturing conflict. For the purpose stated in the paper, a hundred fragments of informal interviews have been collected using the method of continuous sampling, illustrating the focus of the speaking subject (in the overwhelming majority of cases - the interviewer) on constructive communication with the respondent, whose answer projects potentially the conflict in casual conversation. Feedback is manifested by the alternative disjunctive construction in seven cases out of a hundred.
Key words and phrases: неформальное интервью, обратная связь, диалогическая реплика со структурой альтернативного вопроса, диктумный и модусный компоненты диалогической реплики, эмоционально-волевое состояние собеседника, informal interview, feedback, dialogical response with alternative question structure, dictum and modus components of dialogical response, emotional-volitional state of interlocutor
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