Bol'shakova Natal'ya Fridrikhovna, Pridchina-Gershkovich Mariya Aleksandrovna, Sazhina Mariya Mikhailovna
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
Submitted: 13.12.2017
Abstract. The article analyzes the problem of the metaphor translation in the scientific and popular text by the material of the book by the astronomer Steve Miller "The Chemical Cosmos. A Guided Tour". The basic translation problem when translating such type of texts is to identify the limits of the metaphor interpretation considering the choice between preservation of the text figurativeness and exact transfer of the meaning. The authors conclude that the limits of interpretation are determined by the type of the metaphor and the chosen translation technique but due to uniqueness of the metaphor as a means of expressiveness the limits are established individually by the translator.
Key words and phrases: перевод, метафора, экспрессивность текста, научно-популярный подстиль, границы интерпретации, translation, metaphor, text expressivity, scientific and popular sub-style, limits of interpretation
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