Vlasko Natal'ya Konstantinovna, Gurova Galina Grigor'evna, Kuznetsova Tamara Il'inichna
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Branch) in Kaluga
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Submitted: 29.01.2018
Abstract. The article aims to analyze the most active trends observed at the grammatical level in modern English, which are manifested in a written scientific text. The authors conclude that when teaching academic writing in English it is necessary to familiarize the master’s degree students with the main aspects of the theory of variation and norm, as well as active trends that take place in modern English, since some of them largely determine the characteristics of the English-language scientific text.
Key words and phrases: обучение письменной речи, научный стиль, вариативность, норма, американизация, денсификация, teaching writing, scientific style, variation, norm, Americanization, densification
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