Abaeva Fatima Olegovna
V. I. Abaev North-Ossetian Institute of Humanities and Social Studies (Branch) of Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 14.11.2017
Abstract. The article describes the terminology associated with textile handicraft. The paper focuses on a comparative analysis of the vocabulary referring to the mentioned handicraft, which originated in the deep antiquity but has partially preserved in its archaic form till nowadays. The author draws parallels between the structure of the Georgian and the Ossetian handicraft terms, identifies their semantic similarities/differences. A comparative analysis of sectoral vocabulary of the languages of different structure promotes a deeper study of national linguistic worldviews and identification of their typical features.
Key words and phrases: отраслевая лексика, осетинский язык, грузинский язык, ремесленная лексика, ткацкие термины, народная терминология, ткацкий станок, сукно, sectoral vocabulary, Ossetian language, Georgian language, handicraft vocabulary, textile terms, folk terminology, loom, cloth
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