Suslova Larisa Viktorovna
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs
Submitted: 23.12.2017
Abstract. The article justifies the necessity to conduct a pre-translation text analysis; the author analyzes modern researchers’ views on the pre-translation analysis, justifies the importance of teaching translation by the material of journalistic texts. The paper provides the characteristics of certain text genres, identifies the difference in translating a journalistic article and other types of texts, and proposes the model of a pre-translation journalistic text analysis, which includes five sequential stages of teaching. Students’ educational work at each stage is described.
Key words and phrases: переводчик, текст, перевод, предпереводческий анализ текста, газетно-журнальные тексты, статья, язык источника, язык перевода, translator, text, translation, pre-translation text analysis, journalistic texts, article, source language, target language
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