Tsybina Larisa Viktorovna, Leshchenko Galina Vladimirovna
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of speech manipulation techniques in the English-language sports discourse. The paper presents the results of the study of linguistic means, with the help of which the reader is influenced. As a research material the news-paper articles of the modern English editions are selected that cover the current events in the world of sport. The authors emphasize that the English-language sports discourse is characterized by a wide range of linguistic means used with manipulative purposes on a variety of linguistic levels: stylistic, semantic and lexical, and, as a rule, these techniques are used in a complex manner.
Key words and phrases: спорт, спортивный дискурс, речевое манипулирование, приемы манипулирования, СМИ, sport, sports discourse, verbal manipulation, methods of manipulation, mass media
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