Lopatina Elena Valentinovna
Ufa State Petroleum Technological University
Abstract. The article reveals the semantic features of scientific and technical terms with key elements that name family members: "mother", "parent", "daughter", etc. The paper indicates areas of knowledge and industries, where such terminological phrases are used. The author gives examples of the use of such lexical units in the articles of scientific and technical nature both in English and in Russian. Basing on the conducted analysis, the task is set to compile a bilingual dictionary containing terms not only with the names of family members, but also with words representing the type of a human activity ("doctor", "pilot", "thief"). The creation of such a scientific and technical dictionary will help to organize the figurative terminology, and also to serve as an auxiliary tool in the practical work of interpreters and teachers.
Key words and phrases: ключевой компонент, научно-технический термин, наименования членов семьи, образные термины, научно-технические тексты, разработка двуязычного словаря, key component, scientific and technical terms, names of family members, figurative terms, scientific and technical texts, development of bilingual dictionary
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