Batalov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, Ogurechnikova Nataliya L'vovna
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of speech etiquette in Russian literature of the XX century. In accordance with the established order of behavior in the society, the interlocutors, as a rule, show a polite, benevolent attitude to each other in the speech, using units of language that can serve occasionally as the instrument for rendering etiquette norms. The study reveals the features of the Russian speech etiquette, which are associated not so much with the inventory of linguistic means as with the nature of their use and the accompanying semantic processes.
Key words and phrases: средства речевого этикета, языковая культура, коммуникативная инверсия, эвфемизация сообщений, семантический сдвиг, антиэтикетная трансформация, means of speech etiquette, language culture, communicative inversion, euphemization of messages, semantic shift, anti-etiquette transformation
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