Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the ways of translating realia in fiction by the example of Veronica Roth’s work "Diver-gent". The authors analyze the realia of the novel selected by the method of random sampling, as well as the ways of their translation. Basing on this analysis, an attempt is made to determine the most successful variant of the translation of each piece of realia under consideration. In addition, the paper presents the results of the statistical analysis of the frequency of using one or another way of translating realia.
Key words and phrases: реалия, способ перевода реалии, транскрипция, транслитерация, калькирование, описательный перевод, освоение, опущение, этнографическая реалия, бытовая реалия, географическая реалия, realia, way of translating realia, transcription, transliteration, calquing, descriptive translation, adaptation, omission, ethnographic realia, everyday realia, geographical realia
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