Sergienko Polina Igorevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Submitted: 26.09.2018
Abstract. The article examines the regulative concept "WAR" from the viewpoint of the English political discourse and considers the philosophical and panhuman understanding of this phenomenon. The author shows that the functioning of such an important linguo-culturological concept is implemented in a special way in the professional texts of politological orientation where there is strict differentiation between the panhuman conception and professional understanding of this concept among specialists in the sphere of political science and international relations. The analysis of the "WAR" concept from the viewpoint of cognitive linguistics allows getting better understanding of reality and identifying a collective and individual value system. Studying the peculiarities of the concept verbalization within the framework of political discourse contributes to identifying manipulative techniques.
Key words and phrases: когнитивная лингвистика, концепт "WAR", политический дискурс, политическая лингвистика, лингвистические особенности, воздействие на аудиторию, cognitive linguistics, "WAR" concept, political discourse, political linguistics, linguistic peculiarities, influence on audience
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