Demchenko Aleksandr Ivanovich
Saratov State Conservatoire
Abstract. Rainer Maria Rilke began with things simple enough and as a particularly lyric poet. The flowering of his early works was in many respects consonant with what we usually correlate with the poetics of the "silver age". In the late 1890s he significantly complicates the imagery and general structure of the poetic thought, developing a characteristic for romantics situation of discord with the world. In search of life support, the poet associated much with Russia. The final rise of the genius of Rilke refers to the beginning of the 1920s, when he comes to that phase of his creative evolution, which can be designated by the term "last clarity". A deep comprehension of the essence of the human personality and the world around it was at the heart of his artistic heritage. Rilke’s poetry is full of a premonition and then a statement of the upheavals and huge changes on the threshold of the XX century.
Key words and phrases: Райнер Мария Рильке, созвучность раннего творчества поэтике "серебряного века", усложнение образности и художественного мышления с конца 1890-х годов, завершающий взлёт начала 1920-х годов с выходом к "последней ясности", глубинное постижение сущности человеческой личности и окружающего её мира, констатация потрясений на пороге ХХ столетия, Rainer Maria Rilke, consonance of early works with poetics of the "silver age", complexity of figurativeness and artistic thinking since the late of the 1890s, final rise of the beginning of the 1920s with the following "last clarity", deep comprehension of human personality’s essence and the world around it, statement of upheavals at the turn of the XX century
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