Lang Shuo
Far Eastern Federal University
Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of the particle "вот" in the text of Yu. V. Trifonov’s novella "Another Life", its functions in monologic speech, manifested in the expression of anaphoric and cataphoric orientations. It is ascertained that the particle "вот" performs text functions both in the free use, and in the combinations with coordinating conjunctions and other words. The following relations are typical for the particle "вот": the introduction of the illustration, the manifestation of the consequence and the unexpected result, the transition to a new topic, comparison, the defensive-restrictive attitude, and so on.
Key words and phrases: частица "вот", проза Ю. В. Трифонова, текстовые функции, монологический текст, анафорическая направленность, катафорическая направленность, particle "вот" (here, this is, that is), Yu. V. Trifonov’s prose, text functions, monologic text, anaphoric orientation, cataphoric orientation
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