Abstract. In the article by the material of Friedrich Schiller’s drama "Wilhelm Tell" and its translation into the Ossetian language by Ts. Ambalov, the peculiarities of the metaphorization of the text in different national cultures are considered. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of metaphors in the original and translated texts of the drama. The analysis of the linguistic material made it possible to single out the conceptual space with metaphor-metonymic relations in the dramaturgic work. During the analysis of the lyrical songs of the drama (Kuhreihen), it is revealed that the poetic symbols in them are created primarily by the metaphorical richness of the drama text "Wilhelm Tell" in both German and Ossetian versions.
Key words and phrases: языковая картина мира, метафора, лирические песни (Kuhreihen), олицетворение, метонимические единицы, географические реалии, поэтический символ, портретная характеристика, лексема, language worldview, metaphor, lyrical songs (Kuhreihen), personification, metonymic units, geographical realia, poetic symbol, verbal portraying, lexeme
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