Ivanokov Nurbi Rashidovich, Bizhoev Boris Chamalovich
Institute for Humanities Research (Branch) of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. In the article the attempt to establish the origin of а number of Adyghe (Circassian) words, relying, basically, on the data of the most archaic Bzhedug dialect of the Adyghe language, is made. Some of the given words were earlier subjected to the etymological analysis, and the new versions on these words are proposed. The greater part of the research material has been considered for the first time. The authors believe that for the languages having recently acquired a written form in the diachronic study the data of dialects and patois are the main basis.
Key words and phrases: адыгские (черкесские) языки, бжедугский диалект, исходное значение, морфема, основа, субъект, признак, the Adyghe (Circassian) languages, Bzhedug dialect, initial meaning, morpheme, basis, subject, attribute
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