Ivanova Alena Mikhailovna, Khazieva-Demirbash Guzaliya Saifullovna
I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan
Abstract. The article is devoted to comparative-contrastive analysis of protective names in the Turkic languages. The semantics of anthropological components, forming this type of personal names in the Bashkir, Tatar, Turkish languages, is described. In the course of the conducted comparative-contrastive analysis it was found that in all studied Turkic languages the common anthropological components, representing the motif of the wishes of long life and guarding the child, common for pre-Islamic myth-poetic tradition of naming, are observed.
Key words and phrases: тюркские языки, татарский язык, башкирский язык, турецкий язык, казахский язык, сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ, антропонимы, имена-обереги, мифологическая модель мира, the Turkic languages, the Tatar language, the Bashkir language, the Turkish language, the Kazakh language, comparative-contrastive analysis, anthroponyms, names-talismans, mythological model of the world
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