Sadokova Anastasiya Ryurikovna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article investigates the history of the formation of the genre of narrative prose Tsukuri-Monogatari in the early medieval Japanese literature. By the example of the earliest works of this genre the paper analyzes the process of borrowing plots from the Tibetan literary tradition and the principles of a comprehensive adaptation of the borrowed text. By particular examples the author shows in what ways giving of a full national colour to the borrowed plot was implemented, the sources of the origin of the protagonist’s name in the monument of the ancient Japanese poetry were revealed.
Key words and phrases: японская средневековая проза, сказочный сюжет, адаптация реалий и имен, национальный колорит, вставные новеллы, тибетская литературная традиция, the medieval Japanese prose, fairy plot, adaptation of realities and names, national colour, insert novels, the Tibetan literary tradition
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