Sokolova Galina Leonidovna, Kolyago Anna Leonidovna
Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola
Abstract. The article is devoted to nominative sentences in the languages with different systems, the Mari and German languages. Nominative sentences in these languages are widely spread and are important syntactic means to achieve speech communication. The paper conducts analysis of the structure, semantics and functioning of nominative sentences in languages belonging to different language families (the Mari language - Uralic language family, the German language - Indo-European language family). The authors pay special attention to the disclosure of the specifics of nominative sentences in the analyzed languages, their classification, and the distinction from other types of incomplete sentences, functioning in speech.
Key words and phrases: односоставное предложение, номинативное предложение, немецкий язык, марийский язык, главный член, принципы разграничения, распространённость, контекст, интерференция, incomplete sentence, nominative sentence, the German language, the Mari language, the main part, principles of differentiation, prevalence, context, interference
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