Novospasskaya Natal'ya Viktorovna, Perfil'eva Nataliya Vladimirovna, Lazareva Olesya Viktorovna, Nikashina Natal'ya Viktorovna
The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow
Abstract. The study presented in this article is devoted to the classification of ergonyms of the Russian and English languages ?? by the example of wedding salons names. The relevance of the topic is stipulated by the presence of new material for the research in the Russian and English languages. Motivation of commercial names of wedding salons is determined on the basis of the methodology proposed by I. V. Zakharenko, D. V. Bagaeva, D. B. Gudkov, V. V. Krasnykh. The results of the study is the identification of several groups of ergonyms-names of shops and the description of the universal and national-specific features of naming in the Russian and English languages.
Key words and phrases: эргоним, классификация, прецедентное имя, мотивирующий признак, русский язык, английский язык, ergonym, classification, precedential name, motivating feature, Russian, English
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