Shikhalieva Sabrina Khanalievna, Sultanakhmedova Kamilat Akhmedovna, Ramazanova Dzhavgarat Asadulaevna
Dagestan Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala
Dagestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala
Abstract. Recognizing the fact of functioning of the Russian language in polyethnic Dagestan and heterogeneous composition of the population, one can substantiate the function of biequivalent loan words and systematize the content of the terms of paronymy. The content of biequivalent terms has been classified in teaching paronyms in the Russian language lessons. Presenting the experience of the development of textual criticism on the lessons of the Russian language, the authors offer to group biequivalent terms in the intellectual language and to consider phraseological paronyms in the spoken language.
Key words and phrases: язык науки и образования, фразеологические паронимы, текстология, паронимия, разговорная русская речь, развитие коммуникативных навыков, дагестанские школы, коммуникативно-прагматический подход, language of science and education, phraseological paronyms, textology, paronymy, the Russian spoken speech, development of communicative skills, the Dagestan schools, communicative-pragmatic approach
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