Borodulina Nataliya Yur'evna, Makeeva Marina Nikolaevna, Gulyaeva Evgeniya Arkad'evna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The article shows the role of symbols when creating metaphorical worldview of economy in the modern globalized society. In the world where mass media (in particular, Internet) acquire the growing importance the border between national-cultural and universal worldview disappears, and nearly every metaphor under certain conditions (usage frequency, temporal factor, national and cultural fullness of the plane of content) can become a symbol. The authors introduce the classification of modern symbols representing the events and phenomena of the world of economy.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафорическая картина мира, символ, дискурс СМИ, национально-культурное и универсальное мировидение, metaphor, metaphorical worldview, symbol, mass media discourse, national-cultural and universal worldview
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