Cherkashina Margarita Vadimovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. The article is devoted to the internal dialogue with Friedrich H?lderlin (1770-1843), which contains the creative work of the French poet Yves Bonnefoy (1923-2016). This dialogue is realized in the story by Bonnefoy "L’arriere-pays" (1972) in the genre of the travelogue: the French poet makes an imaginary journey through the culture of Italy in its temporal and spatial extent. The author notes the similar enthusiasm for the archetypes of cultures of both poets: Greece for H?lderlin and Rome for Bonnefoy. However, it turns out that if for H?lderlin the ideal is rooted in the past, against the background of which the present is only its "shadow", as in Plato’s myth about the cave, then for Bonnefoy Rome, on the contrary, is associated not with the Absolute, but with the elusive "profane" reality. The example of two poems demonstrates the specificity of ekphrasis in the early work of Bonnefoy. The author comes to the conclusion that the images help Bonnefoy’s poetry come closer to living being, as he declares in his program essays.
Key words and phrases: травелог, экфрасис, Ив Бонфуа, Фридрих Гельдерлин, "истинное место" (vrai lieu), travelogue, ekphrasis, Yves Bonnefoy, Friedrich H?lderlin, "true place" (vrai lieu)
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