Sirivlya Madina Aleksandrovna
Chelyabinsk State University (Branch) in Kostanay
Abstract. The paper examines the features of existence and development of remake and its textual arrangement. In the course of the comparison of original and remake texts the parameters were identified according to which a literary work can be called remake. Among the considered parameters the following ones are significant: the correspondence of the title, the genre, the language, the author’s presence in the text, the main characters, the place of action, the sequence of events and the dialogue with the creator of the original work. F. Mikhailov’s remake "Idiot" is an indicator of wide interest in F. M. Dostoyevsky’s novel and its relevance.
Key words and phrases: ремейк, классический роман, жанр, интертекстуальность, модернизация, Ф. Михайлов, Ф. Достоевский, remake, classical novel, genre, intertextuality, modernization, F. Mikhailov, F. Dostoyevsky
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