Ignat'eva Natal'ya Dmitrievna
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Abstract. The article deals with linguistic-cultural interference in the context of the Czech-Russian intercultural interaction and the causes of its occurrence. As an illustration of the phenomenon the paper provides us with the examples of interferemes of the Czech and Russian students. As a result of the study the peculiarities of linguistic-cultural interference in the process of teaching the Russian language to the Czech students are revealed, as well as the importance of linguistic-cultural competence formation in foreign-language education.
Key words and phrases: лингвокультурная чешско-русская интерференция, интерферема, диалог культур, межкультурное взаимодействие, близкородственные языки, linguistic-cultural Czech-Russian interference, interfereme, dialogue of cultures, intercultural interaction, closely related languages
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