Ivus Ol'ga Nikolaevna
Primorsky State Agricultural Academy
Abstract. The article presents the systematics of non-verbal means used in slogans on clothes. The graphic design of the text, the integration of graphic means and the text, an iconic component are considered in detail. The slogan on clothes is examined in the light of the theory of the creolized text. Three degrees of dependence/independence of verbal and non-verbal means on each other are determined when transmitting the meaning of a message on clothes. Their numerical ratio is also described.
Key words and phrases: слоган на одежде, невербальный код, визуальный/неязыковой элемент, креолизованный текст, степень креолизации текста, slogan on clothes, non-verbal code, visual/non-language element, creolized text, degree of text creolization
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