Gutova Lyana Adamovna
Humanities Research Institute of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. In the article the role of the verbal component in the traditional system of fosterage, the upbringing of a child in another’s family, is considered for the first time by the Adyghe material. In the Adyghe society the representatives of the upper class gave their children to the families of experienced riders, where the child could learn both military affairs, subtle etiquette, as well as arts, including rhetoric, music, poetry. The aim of the research is to trace the main stages of the evolution of the phenomenon and the process of secularization of poetic texts, as a result of which the aesthetic function becomes dominant in them.
Key words and phrases: аталык, отец-воспитатель, мать-воспитательница, кан, джегуако-песнетворец, foster-parent, father-educator, mother-educator, foster-child, dzheguako-songwriter
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