Likhodkina Irina Aleksandrovna
Military University of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article analyzes the role of colour, its place and specifics of colour terms in the Russian, French and Italian science and culture. The research focuses on white and red colours. By the example of the novel by the Italian writer A. D’Avenia "Bianca come il latte, rossa come il sangue" and its Russian ("Белая как молоко, красная как кровь") and French ("Blanche comme le lait, rouge comme le sang") translations the author concludes on the possibility to represent the main character’s worldview, feelings and emotions by two colours - red and white. The paper also evaluates translators’ competence when transferring author’s intention.
Key words and phrases: цвет, цветообозначение, белый, красный, перевод, русский язык, итальянский язык, французский язык, colour, colour term, white, red, translation, the Russian language, the Italian language, the French language
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