Demidkina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Voronezh State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article deals with the representation of person’s intelligent qualities in the German proverbs and antiproverbs. In the paroemiological fund of German one can find both set proverbs, representing the ideas of the German ethnic group about the system of human intelligent qualities, their evaluation (evaluation criteria), and their addition in the form of antiproverbs, stipulated by new socio-political, economic, and educational conditions. The coexistence of opposing interpretations in proverbs and antiproverbs in one linguistic culture is explained by not necessary representation of conventional attitudes towards different phenomena of the reality in proverbs.
Key words and phrases: паремии, антипословицы, наивная картина мира, детерминанты культуры, константы антропоцентрической парадигмы, proverbs, antiproverbs, naive world view, cultural determinants, constants of anthropocentric paradigm
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