Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of realization of expressive syntax in the Tatar and French languages. Declaration of will is a variable quantity that depends on the communicative-pragmatic situations and the intention of the speaker to influence the mood, opinion and behavior of the interlocutor. Despite the abundance of genres the means of expressing the declaration of will are universal and can be counted. Such emotional-expressive sentences both in the Tatar and French languages more often express the peremptoriness of the judgment, and set the unequal role relations in the dialogue as well as "the desire to keep each other out of troubles". Empathy is the most valuable thing in confidential communication, it is something that both interlocutors want to achieve. Emotional-expressive sentences meaning the declaration of will serve for realization of the category of emotional expression at the syntactic level.
Key words and phrases: экспрессивный синтаксис, эмоционально-экспрессивные предложения, сопоставительный синтаксис, волеизъявление, прагматическая направленность, решительность, уверенность, эмоционально-экспрессивный фактор, человеческий фактор, языковая картина мира, татарский язык, французский язык, expressive syntax, emotional-expressive sentences, comparative syntax, declaration of will, pragmatic orientation, determination, confidence, emotional-expressive factor, human factor, linguistic worldview, the Tatar language, the French language
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