Kalyatin Igor' Sergeevich
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. This article presents the results of the analysis of the grammatical means of the field of substantiation in German, which is stipulated by the insufficient state of knowledge of this field in the functional styles of speech. Particular attention is paid to the description of the central and peripheral grammatical means of expression of the field of cause. On the basis of the carried out analysis the author concludes that in the German language the field of causality includes means of both lexical and grammatical levels, having different potential and expressing the meaning of causality more exactly or more generally.
Key words and phrases: поле, функционально-семантическое поле каузальности, структура поля, грамматические средства, ядро поля, периферия поля, field, functional-semantic field of causality, field structure, grammatical means, field core, field periphery
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