Sherstyukova Ol'ga Viktorovna, Karpukhina Nina Mikhailovna
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The article examines lexical-grammatical and semantic-stylistic peculiarities of somatic vocabulary of the Russian language by the example of phraseological units with the somatic unit "heart". It is shown that somatic phraseological units are possible to unite into semantic groups on the basis of similarity and difference of meanings; a tinge factor on account of special lexical components (synonyms, antonyms, syntactic structure and etc.) is marked; rational and emotional component of the lexeme heart is examined. By analyzing linguistic material, the authors come to the conclusion that somatic phraseological units possess such categorical features as phraseological meaning, component structure, grammatical categories, and it gives possibilities of the further overall analysis of somatic units as one of the oldest lexical strata of the Russian language.
Key words and phrases: фразеологическая единица, номинативное значение, сфера употребления, лексические компоненты, доминантная единица, языковые средства, phraseological unit, nominative meaning, usage sphere, lexical components, dominant unit, linguistic means
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