Rustamov Rufat Ashraf ogly, Gadzhieva Banovsha Niyaz kyzy
Baku State University
Abstract. The doctrine of the phrase in the Turkish language is a very complex multiaspect linguistic problem. Until now, the linguists haven’t considered as an object of special study syntax of verb phrases, which are unique among other types of word combinations due to the complexity of the structure, the richness of grammatical meanings and abundance. The authors believe that the determination of the place and grammatical nature of verb phrases, as well as special and in-depth research of the structural types of verb phrases and the description of their grammatical meanings are very relevant problems of the Turkish linguistics. In this article on the basis of the actual materials of the Turkish language the authors give a general characteristic of this group of phrases, identify and describe their models, determine the ways and communication means of combined words in each model, reveal the semantic relations between the components of the verb phrases, analyze in detail their grammatical meanings.
Key words and phrases: синтаксис, глагольные словосочетания, турецкий язык, адвербиализация, наречие, syntax, verb phrases, Turkish, adverbialisation, adverb
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