Shikhalieva Sabrina Khanalievna, Karaeva Salimat Atavovna, Fetalieva Laura Platovna
The Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Dagestan State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The article deals with the aspect of metalinguistic study. The main advantage of scientific research is defined by the correlation of methodological dichotomy "biblical text*Biblical discourse" with a tendency to breakup of the language union "the Caspian languages ??? the Caucasian languages". Biblical discourse created in the terminological system of the Russian dictionary appears to be in the varieties of the meta-language and meta-speech style. On the basis of the conducted analysis the authors consecutively identify the components of the meta-speech style "text*discourse" and the facts of the linguistic dichotomy "language*speech".
Key words and phrases: метафорическая номинация, языки Каспия, стиль, термины, библеизмы, методика анализа, кавказские языки, metaphorical nomination, the Caspian languages, style, terms, biblical expressions, methods of analysis, the Caucasian languages
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