Dasheeva Vera Vital'evna
Buryat State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the analysis of the so-called "onomastic universals" - general code features of various linguistic (phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntactic) and extralinguistic categories, peculiar to the proper nouns not depending on the language, in which they are created and used. The author conducts the analysis of manifestation of onomastic universals in their connection with a morphological aspect - by the review of the material of the Mongolian and Chinese anthroponyms. Some examples of onomastic universals, realized at the level of morphology, in particular, connected with the ability of separate parts of speech to participate in the onomastic nomination, are examined.
Key words and phrases: ономастика, монгольские языки, китайский язык, антропонимы, ономастические универсалии, лексикология, морфология, onomastics, the Mongol languages, the Chinese language, anthroponyms, onomastic universals, lexicology, morphology
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