Abstract. The article aims to identify the most common ways to translate proper names from English into Russian. Relying on the analysis the authors identify that the most common techniques are calque and transcription and the least common ones are semi-calque and transliteration. The choice of the translation method is conditioned by the text specificity, the etymological component of the word, the national and cultural peculiarities of the countries.
Key words and phrases: имена собственные, типология имен собственных, антропонимы, топонимы, специфика текста, способы перевода, транскрипция, транслитерация, калькирование, полукалькирование, описательный перевод, proper names, typology of proper names, anthroponyms, toponyms, text specificity, translation methods, transcription, transliteration, calque, semi-calque, descriptive translation