Abdul'manova Adelya Khamitovna
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the description of the orthographical and grammatical variation of the verbal forms of the Middle English language. By the material of the perfect forms of the little-studied poem "Sir Orfeo" the formation of analytical structures is retraced and the fact of the full grammaticalization of the construction have (n) + Participle II is stated. The analyticity and grammaticality of the combination of the verb b?n with the Participle II are negated due to the limited combinability of the auxiliary verb and the low frequency of occurrence in the studied work.
Key words and phrases: среднеанглийский язык, варьирование, орфография, аналитические формы, грамматизация, перфектные формы, the Middle English language, variation, orthography, analytical forms, grammaticalization, perfect forms
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