Kondrat'ev Yurii Alekseevich
Saint Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy
Abstract. The article aims to study the problem of linguistic game on the formation of linguistic plan of expression of a specific pragmatic orientation - in the New Testament epistolary discourse. By the material of the Epistle to the Galatians the author analyzes the linguistic means to implement the creative use of language and their possibilities in achieving persuasive effect. In this connection the paper identifies the specifics of functioning of the rhetorically marked linguistic units in the Epistle text.
Key words and phrases: послание к Галатам, апостол Павел, риторика, игра слов, библеистика, Новый завет, персуазивность, Epistle to the Galatians, St. Paul, rhetoric, play on words, bibleistics, New Testament, persuasive nature
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