Kalashnikova Svetlana Viktorovna
Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article deals with the vocabulary of the English language for the professionals in the sphere of law enforcement. The lexical identity, including terms, Latinisms, polysemantic words, synonyms, antonyms, is explained by the historical development of the British legal system, as well as by the specificity of the professional activity of future lawyers. The quantitative analysis of the terminological dictionary shows the predominance of simple verbs and compound verbal terminological combinations in the language of law.
Key words and phrases: термин, терминосочетание, полисемантичность, морфологическая модель, синонимические и антонимические пары, term, terminological combination, polysemanticity, morphological model, synonymous and antonymous pairs
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