Levitskii Aleksandr Gershenovich
Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages
Abstract. The article provides the analysis of using phraseological units with the lexeme "heart" in the German fairy tales. Heart in the medieval culture is the focus of human emotions, thoughts and aspirations. The author shows that cultural conceptions associated with the plan of expression of these phraseological units influence cardinally the recipient’s perception of the basic components of fabulous information - episodes related to the description of a hero’s personality and his feat, responsibility of a family head for his decisions, etc.
Key words and phrases: экспрессивный языковой знак, текстообразующий потенциал фразеологизмов, культурные представления, основные элементы информации, чувства, гендерные отличия в поведении, герой и антигерой сказки, expressive linguistic sign, text-formative potential of the phraseological units, cultural conceptions, basic information elements, emotions, gender differences in behaviour, hero and anti-hero of a fairy tale
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