Amirova Roza Munirovna
Kazan State Medical University
Abstract. The article examines the functioning of commercial ergonyms of Kazan in the conditions of the Tatar-Russian bilingualism; the impact of extralinguistic factors on their formation is pointed out. It is shown that the nonobservance of the ways of transmission of linguistic signs from one language into another is the result of phonetic interference; discrepancies in the graphic keeping of the Tatar ergonyms lead to incorrect comprehension of their meaning; the cases of deviation from language norms are connected with the assimilation of the Tatar phonemes to the Russian ones.
Key words and phrases: языкознание, ономастика, эргонимия, двуязычие, интерференция, лингвокультурология, языковая норма, национально-культурные ценности, linguistics, onomastics, ergonymics, bilingualism, interference, linguo-culturology, language norm, national and cultural values
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