Afanas'ev Oleg Igorevich
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Abstract. The article aims to study intertextual relations of musical motives in the story by V. V. Nabokov "Music". Linguistic analysis of musical motives in the story allows identifying their ideological and artistic function, explicating the deeper meaning of the story, interpreting "the effect of frustrated expectation". Writing his story V. V. Nabokov followed the influential model developed by L. N. Tolstoy and A. P. Chekhov, having in mind to dispute with his great predecessors through its renewal and transformation and thus to express adequately his artistic position.
Key words and phrases: интертекстуальность, аллюзия, реминисценция, ирония, историко-культурная память, музыка чувств, межтекстовая солидарность, intertextuality, allusion, reminiscence, irony, historical and cultural memory, music of emotions, intertextual solidarity
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