Ivanov Dmitrii Igorevich
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, People’s Republic of China; Ivanovo State University
Abstract. The paper investigates the cognitive and communicative interaction of the subject-source and the subject-interpreter within the framework of the author's linguistic-culturological theory of synthetic language personality (SLP). The strong position of the subject-source is associated with the nature of his cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), but the real parameters of influence on the audience depend on the personological position of the subject-interpreter. At the level of mass consciousness (collective subject) both transformations of CPP (depersonification, recoding, occurrence of cognitive copies), and cognitive transfers (change of the status of the subjects in the "source - interpreter" system) take place.
Key words and phrases: синтетическая языковая личность (СЯЛ), когнитивно-прагматическая программа (КПП), субъект-источник, субъект-интерпретатор, персонологическая позиция, когнитивный переход, synthetic language personality (SLP), cognitive-pragmatic program (CPP), subject-source, subject-interpreter, personological position, cognitive transfer
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