Arkhangel'skaya Natal'ya Nikolaevna
Bunin Yelets State University
Abstract. The article raises the question of the possibility of effective development of foreign language grammatical skills among primary school children. The author analyzes the main approaches to mastering grammar of a foreign language at primary school. The arguments in favor of the conscious way of learning, despite the age of the pupils, are presented. A reasonable balance of deductive and inductive methods of explanation of new grammatical material will contribute not only to the rational use of teaching time, but also to the development of the child's thinking. Special attention, from the author’s point of view, should be paid to the ratio of productive and receptive grammar, increasing the proportion of the latter at an early stage of learning. The proposed approach to the selection of methods of grammatical skills formation is based on the specifics of the foreign language as a school subject at primary school.
Key words and phrases: грамматика, сознательный путь овладения грамматикой, имитативный путь овладения грамматикой, индуктивный подход, дедуктивный подход, продуктивный грамматический навык, рецептивный грамматический навык, grammar, conscious way of mastering grammar, imitative way of mastering grammar, inductive approach, deductive approach, productive grammatical skill, receptive grammatical skill
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